Certification Paths → Daml Contract Developer Certification Path

Daml Contract Developer Certification Exam

This certification exam will test your knowledge of the concepts in the Daml Contract Developer Certification Path. This Path includes the following courses: Advanced Fundamentals, Authorization and Privacy, and Nonfunctional Requirements. Candidates must successfully complete the entire Daml Contract Developer Certification Path (all three courses mentioned above) prior to taking the exam. Note that this exam will not cover topics introduced in the Daml Triggers course, as that is an elective course.

You will have 2 hours (120 minutes) to complete the exam and are welcome to reference courses and docs during the exam.

There are 70 exam questions in total. To become certified, you must achieve a score of 80% or higher. 20 of the 70 questions carry double weight due to their level of difficulty, making a total of 90 exam points.

Candidates may re-take the exam up to three times if they do not achieve an 80% score. That said, after failing the exam, the candidate must wait a day before they can re-take the exam. We encourage candidates to use this time to review the course material. If you fail three times, please reach out to damlcerts@digitalasset.com to discuss next steps.

Exam Topics:
1. Advanced Fundamentals (8 questions)
2. Authorization and Privacy (32 questions)
3. Nonfunctional Requirements (30 questions)
  • Certification Exam
  • Daml Contract Developer Certification Exam
  • Certification Feedback
  • Survey: Daml Contract Developer Certification
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "Daml Contract Developer Certification Exam"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years