Contract Developer Course 1: Advanced Fundamentals (CD101)
Certification Paths
Daml Contract Developer Certification Path
Contract Developer Course 1: Advanced Fundamentals (CD101)
Advanced Fundamentals reviews and builds upon the material covered in Daml Fundamentals. The course reviews functional programming concepts needed when developing a Daml application. It also addresses the topics of Daml templates and choices,...
Contract Developer Course 2: Authorization and Privacy (CD102)
Certification Paths
Daml Contract Developer Certification Path
Contract Developer Course 2: Authorization and Privacy (CD102)
Privacy is a core principle and feature of Daml and Canton. This course reviews how authorization, privacy, and design patterns can be applied to create a secure and effective Daml application. Record keeping models are discussed, specifically...
Contract Developer Course 3: Nonfunctional Requirements for Daml Apps (CD103)
Certification Paths
Daml Contract Developer Certification Path
Contract Developer Course 3: Nonfunctional Requirements for Daml Apps (CD103)
The nonfunctional requirements of a Daml application represent properties such as performance, scalability, upgradeability, extensibility, and modularity. These requirements have to be met while preserving data sovereignty and privacy of the...
Contract Developer Course 4: Daml Triggers (CD104)
Certification Paths
Daml Contract Developer Certification Path
Contract Developer Course 4: Daml Triggers (CD104)
This course introduces the purpose and functionality of Daml triggers. By completing this course you will be able to: - Understand the purpose of Daml triggers as an off-ledger automation tool useful for building proof-of-concept applications;...
Daml Fundamentals Course 1: Functional Programming in Daml (DF101)
Certification Paths
Daml Fundamentals Certification Path
Daml Fundamentals Course 1: Functional Programming in Daml (DF101)
This is the first course in the Daml Fundamentals certification path, which leads to a foundational-level certification exam and capstone project. The Daml Fundamentals certification path prepares a developer to build a simple Daml application...
Daml Fundamentals Course 2: Introduction to Canton Ledger Programming in Daml (DF102)
Certification Paths
Daml Fundamentals Certification Path
Daml Fundamentals Course 2: Introduction to Canton Ledger Programming in Daml (DF102)
This is the 2nd course in the Daml Fundamentals certification path, which leads to a foundational-level certification exam and capstone project. The Daml Fundamentals certification path prepares a developer to build a simple Daml application...
Daml Fundamentals Course 3: Testing in Daml (DF103)
Certification Paths
Daml Fundamentals Certification Path
Daml Fundamentals Course 3: Testing in Daml (DF103)
This is the 3rd and final course in the Daml Fundamentals certification path, which leads to a foundational-level certification exam and capstone project. The Daml Fundamentals certification path prepares a developer to build a simple Daml...
Daml Philosophy Course 1: Multi-Party Applications (DP101)
Certification Paths
Daml Philosophy Certification Path
Daml Philosophy Course 1: Multi-Party Applications (DP101)
This course is an introduction to multiparty applications and focuses on the features and principles unique to Daml and Canton. The goal of the course is to prepare you to create use cases that are appropriate for Daml and Canton. We'll cover...
Daml Philosophy Course 2: Daml Workflows (DP102)
Certification Paths
Daml Philosophy Certification Path
Daml Philosophy Course 2: Daml Workflows (DP102)
In this course we will learn how to approach business workflow analysis in a way that exploits the distributed nature of Daml and Canton, and allows support for multi-party workflows that cross organizational trust boundaries. We will learn how...
Daml Philosophy Course 3: Daml Applications: Design & Architecture (DP103)
Certification Paths
Daml Philosophy Certification Path
Daml Philosophy Course 3: Daml Applications: Design & Architecture (DP103)
Learn how to design Daml applications to run on the Canton Network, with considerations for identity and access management, multi-domain applications, data management, and operational concerns for scale and performance.

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